African Economy

Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) Signs Joint Declaration with United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and Backs Cotton Partnership at World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Aid-for-Trade Global Review

AFC partners with UNIDO and key global organizations to enhance sustainable industrialization and support Africa’s cotton sector through the ‘Partenariat pour le coton’ initiative (2) Read More

African Economy

Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) Further Diversifies Shareholders with New Equity from Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC’s) Rawbank

AFC has mobilised over US$200 million in investments in DRC across its key sectors of natural resources, power, transport, and heavy industries, holding an investment Read More

African Economy

Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio Catalogues Improvement in Efforts at Universal Health Coverage, Global Standard for Special Care Baby Units

President Bio also updated on the Public-Private Cost Recovery Pilot Scheme and mobile medical services through Hospitals-On-Wheels, confirming that the efforts had further reduced healthcare Read More

African Economy

Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Field Monitoring and Evaluation of Humanitarian Response to Food Insecurity in Liberian Communities

The ECOWAS team also participated in distributing food and nutrition assistance to beneficiaries identified by the implementing partners The Economic Community of West African States Read More