Dante Campioni CEO Alexbank

Mr. Dante Campioni is a Chief Executive Officer and managing Director at Bank of Alexandria SAE.

He is on the Board of Directors at Bank of Alexandria SAE.

He joined the firm in January 2015.

He brings commercial expertise gained from his diversified experience through different business units in the Intesa Sanpaolo Group. Starting 1979, his extensive Italian and international business experience featured several assignments within the Group, both in and outside Italy.

Amongst the other, Mr. Campioni held the position of General Manager and Head of Europe and the Mediterranean Area in the London Hub of Sanpaolo IMI for about 6 years, where he managed a balance sheet in excess of €16bn total assets, Head of Corporate Banking and International Development at Banca IMI in 2006/2007 the Intesa Sanpaolo Group’s investment banking arm with a turnover above €500Mn, and Head of Business of Mediocredito Italiano (Intesa Sanpaolo Group entity specialized in SMEs advisory and Financing) for more than 3 years. Previous to his assignment in Bank of Alexandria, for about 3 years, Mr. Campioni headed Liguria and South West Piedmont region, one of the largest Italian Areas within Banca dei Territori, the largest business unit of Intesa Sanpaolo Group. There, he managed financial assets in excess of €21Bn through a network maintaining relationship with about half a million customers. His global path included Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Singapore, and London, in addition to Milan, Turin, Rome, Florence and Genoa in Italy. Throughout his career, Mr. Campioni has been a member of several banking institutions. Just before leaving to Egypt, he was the deputy chairman of the Italian Banking Association’s Regional Committee (Liguria ABI), and board member of Rete Fidi Liguria, a regional institution which provides guarantees on bank credit facilities granted to small and medium-sized Italian enterprises.